November 10, 2008

How Eating Healthy.

First, your body does not die of hunger. Their body is in survival mode and even store more fat. Your body will win the battle, if you stop eating. Do you think about this carefully.

Secondly, breakfast. Breakfast and you miss your body the energy it needs to start the day. You're Catchup play all morning and no doubt in the workplace of the assortment Goodies filled with sugar.

Thirdly, eating every three hours. They are actually eat small servings per day, eating more often. This technique also prevents food gorging syndrome hunger and keeps your button in chess.

Fourth, cooking with olive oil. Although more expensive than large buckets of Crisco, olive oil is exponentially better for you, because their high in monounsaturated fat (including oleic acid) and polyphenols. Research indicates that in polyphenols have antioxidant properties.

Fifth: Keep your meals simple. Stop spending two hours in the kitchen. Heat some noodles, bake some chicken, vegetables, should it occur.

Sixth, do not count calories, to understand. Counting calories discouraged from attacking our healthy eating habits. Are we really think we will count every calorie day every day for the rest of our lives?

Seventh, eat more chicken and fish, less beef and pork. Let's be honest, beef and pork are great tasting, because the fat. Reduce your meat portions of both creators and the white meat, chicken and fish.

Eighth, eat desserts only on Sunday. To find alternative products to meet your tooth during the week. There is no reason to eat, much of a dessert. If you can not avoid, dessert, try eating one or two files, very slowly. Have fun and enjoy the sweetness. We should not each of these major parts of the desserts to appreciate the taste.

Ninth, doughnuts absolutely no cake or in the workplace. You must find a way to say, no need to work through desserts. If you participate in the various collaborators anniversary of the party, eat desserts, you morning and afternoon and while some at home. Just say no.

Tenth, do not drink soda pop. Soda's zero but in the life of our food. Soft drinks and incidents in our nutritional needs by offering nothing to our thirst and hunger. If our desire for body nutrition or water, we input liquids that are not in the nature of food or liquid.

Changes in our eating habits are not clear. Stop a few activities and some others. In a few tactical adjustments in our weekly, we can calories by 30 percent. Equivalent to a loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week.
